(replaces the Impronymous app - new version!)Are you also an improviser looking for a theme, place, job...? We all are! Based on this observation, I decided to build and share a simple, effective and French application that manages all our needs!I offer you this application, which in one click will give you:- themes (over *5500 different themes*!!)- emotions (more than *750 emotions*!! ex: happy, disappointed, miserable...)- locations (more than *650 locations*!!, ex: ambulance, antique shop, rocket, radio studio...)- trades (nearly 500 trades, e.g. artistic director, construction engineer, visual arts teacher, etc.)- first names (more than 100 first names, ex: Rosalie, Christopher, Olivier, Romain...)- relations (more than 100 relations, ex: ambassador/king, archivist/researcher...)- genres (nearly 100 genres, ex: western, horror, peplum...)- words (more than 500 words, ex: actor, accepted, addiction...)- and more to come...And if the proposals do not suit you, add your own, or use those of the community!The themes are successive, you will not have randomness which gives you the same theme twice, so you always have new themes!No need for internet, as soon as you have the app, you have everything. Playing in the subway or a cave is now possible!You should have enough to last a few years of improv with all this :)Do you like the app? A good rating also pleases me and encourages me to develop the application even more! Your feedback is also important to develop the application!Thank you !Olivier